Sunday, July 18, 2010


As much as I claim I wish I'd find an awesome guy here, my trend of connecting with geographically unattainable men continues. I'm beginning to start to maybe, perhaps, kind of, plan to consider the idea that deep down, I don't want a relationship right now... because if I did, it would just happen in L.A., right?

As much as I defend this city I love so much, the dating scene is, needless to say, a fucking fiasco of lack-luster love and lust. A collection of continuous skits of predictable play-by-plays.

My career has me traveling to much of the country for a few days at a time - instantaneous opportunity for hitting it and quitting it; A simple idea that for any man is a lascivious dream come true, but for a woman, puts her in a position of sexploration disguised as feminist prowess. Truth be told, these short stints in random cities are just an unapologetic course to slutting it up. From hoteliers in Chicago to Captain America in Boston, I've definitely enjoyed myself in my travels. It's all good and fun until one of them falls. And yes, there's always one. It's almost as though stating a blatant disinterest in any real commitment is the most promising way to gain such deflected interest. This paradox of rejection leading to more interest is yet another reason the male species will forever confuse me. But again, at least it's a simple theory - you say you don't want them and they want you. You say you do want them, and they "aren't wanting a relationship right now." Two plus two equals four, and running away makes them chase.

I was in Hawaii for a month for work. My boyfriend at the time had just moved to Los Angeles from the East coast, despite my very honest appeals to the move. I thought he would lose himself, crowd my space, resent me for leaving his home town, and I would feel suffocated. Two weeks in, I knew I was right and tried to break it off with this too-nice guy. He pathetically tried to hold on, but I was done in my head and heart. I was his muse - his escape - his excuse to run away... and I'm exhausted with trying to fulfill these lost boys with a hope and fantastical idea when really, I'm just looking for my own peace of mind.

Anyway, while in Hawaii, my fabulously gay associate and I stood at the bar and poked fun at the douchiest guy in the bar. Women were throwing themselves at him. I admit, he was one of the most attractive men I have ever seen, and under usual circumstances, I find this ultimately unattractive (shallow assholes). But, four Ketel Tonics later, he approaches me. And I did what any insecure, confused girl would do, I made fun of him. My dry humor and sarcasm were ill-diagnosed, as it actually turned him on and only made him pursue me more. Three more Ketel Tonics, a few shots and one heated political debate later, we were making out and headed to his place. We played all night long, me withholding actual sex so to maintain a false sense of modesty while he did all the work and loved every minute of it.

Waking up bleary-eyed, missing all my clothing and most of my dignity from the night before, I re-evaluated his sex appeal and was pleasantly surprised to learn he was indeed still hot. But as we spoke, I was shocked to see more and more of a personality that I would never be attracted to. He is a navy seal, sleeves of overly-masculine tattoos, a closet filled with Affliction, guns galore, heavy metal cd's, cheesy hot-chick posters... I started to become disgusted with the fact that I have joined the ranks and hooked up with a total frat boy. Shoot me.

The long drive home was breath-takingly beautiful. We spoke. I was wrong about him. For the first time ever, I was open minded about this "type" of person, and was genuinely shocked to learn of all his layers. He also explained he was shocked to be with a girl like me (big geeky glasses, quirky, strong, and just plain "different."). We transcended the typical Friends with Benefits ruleset  and it was beyond orgasmic. Sunsets on the Hawaiian coast, private yachts, long scenic drives, shooting rifles illegally; it was a full-fledged affair that we both enjoyed and gained from. But he seemed to think it was more. I received an email from him, proclaiming his undying love for me. Yes he "couldn't believe he was falling in love with me, but it happened." I never reciprocated and when I left, he explained his heartbreak to me in a final letter.

This one still confuses me. I couldn't get treatment or a reaction like that from a guy that there's actually potential with if my life depended on it. If anything, I learned to be open about the kind of guy I can see myself with (which for now is, just simply, someone not here). Awesome. So far, so good!

Yes, I've had some sort of proclamation of love after less than a week of friendship from men in Pennsylvania, Germany, Hawaii, Chicago, Atlanta, Oklahoma, New Jersey and Boston... but no one will compare to New York's experience. The connection was magnetic, the attraction immediate and the desires unmanageable. But I cut it off. I'm here. He's there. Why try? I'm still trying to convince myself that one wasn't a mistake.

New York I love you, but you're bringing me down.

It's still never happened in L.A. And I'm from here! At this point, I'm thinking that setting up camp in different state for the sole purpose of a dick hunt is the way to go. Some call it skepticism... I call it being a bitter bitch sick of trying.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

When it Rains it Pours

I feel like this always happens... dry spell... no guys... no lovin'... no NOTHIN'... And then, all the Ex's reach out in some strange, pathetic act of wondrous reminiscence of what could have been between us. In two nights I got a text from Concert Ex (which I transcribed in the last post), Nice Guy Ex, Married Ex, Hipster Ex, Pretty Dumb Ex and even, First Love Ex.

Ah yes... I haven't heard from Pretty Dumb Ex in quite sometime, close to a year now. He is a hot one, in the most typical kind of way; chiseled jawline, dreamy eyes, impeccable physique, flirty smile, tattoos that show he is both a badass and a momma's boy with a spiritual side. He is in fact the most perfect example of how beauty can overshadow imperfections in all other vital qualities a partner should have... say, like, a personality. And thus, it never turned into more than purely physical - usually only when I was buzzed enough to alleviate my physical inferiority to his well-advertised and widely-recieved good looks. I remember the last time we had sex... I woke up (on his air mattress that cleverly posed as an actual queen-size mattress - did we actually function on that thing last night)? Anyway...

I woke up to the sensual strokes of his wandering hands and couldn't bare the taste of sour Jameson and stale beer in my mouth, so I rolled over him (nearly flipping over the whole "bed"), slipped on his sweats and a hoodie and stumbled into his bathroom. As I splashed water onto last night's made-up face, I tried to remember what had happened, and giggled at the remembrance of our heated rendezvous. I stood up, bleary-eyed from the running mascara and noticed something was blocking my view of what was sure to be a horrible site in the mirror... What's this? A photo? I lean closer and see a girl. I yell to Ken Doll on the bed, "Hey (name)?" He answers in a raspy, sexy voice "Yeah babe?" ... I ask, ever curious... "Who's this in the photo?"

"Oh. That's my Girlfriend."

I stare closer at the plain girl in the wet photo, notice my awful appearence poking from behind it, realize I'm far too hungover to process anything, and hurry to grab my things and leave. Casually. Almost as casually as he revealed that he is in a very serious relationship then kissed me goodbye: "You know how it is... Let's do this again, sometime. Soon."

I ignored his calls after that. He asked for his sweats and hoodie that I left with that morning for a solid 2 months after that.

Pretty Boys...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Who needs Post-Its when you have facebook?

Ok... so I have thing for musicians. Who doesn't? Some promise of sensitivity, talent, understanding of emotion - blah blah blah.

Most of the time they're losers. But THIS guy... he actually was pseudo-successful. Tour manager, plays with great artists, 2 yrs older, born and raised in LA like me... I met him at Coachella. Drunk. We bonded over superficially-deep music talk and colorful cigarettes (neither of us smoke)... early signs of poser-dom. I blame it on the boogie.

So the whole festival he tries inviting me backstage, uber exclusive after parties, and the oh-so-popular "my place." All to which I say no... I'd rather spend time sneaking in booze with my friends and meeting the freaks amongst the masses and actually listening to the music from where I can hear it. I guess he found this rejection to his usual tactics a turn on... he continued his pursuit of me - we went on a few dates when we got back to town- a bar, dinner, movie at his place etc. We really hit it off... and thus, I showed all the typical signs of a smitten single: Gleamed in awe at the intellectual superiority of the most idiotic stories I've ever heard told, forgave every instance proving any lack of chivalry, read and replied to every meaningless text with careful precision that would prove my interest while hiding my actually superior whit and intelligence.... you know, the usual shit.

I was actually scared at how fast it was moving - and all without sex! He said all the right things: "I really see this going somewhere.... you're the most amazing person I've ever met... I'm totally falling for you" and I was the dude! I played it cool! I didn't respnd with his sappy shit... he always called, he proposed the nights out, he said we should wait with sex (WTF).

He traveled to record for a week, I traveled to shoot for a week - we spoke the whole time - cute texts, pics and fb mushy shit from him... and two days before he got home - it vanished. EVERYTHING STOPPED. No calls, texts, nothing. Made plans for dinner, he never called. Bar the next night? Again disappeared two hours before. I've never been so slighted! or fooled! Was I one of many to this guy? I thought I'm not like those girls - somehow smarter... or with a keen eye for the douchery L.A. has so successfully engrained in most of it's men.

I thought over the options: A. a recent ex reemerged B. He met someone more awesome. C. My lack of reciprocated verbal affections saddened him to rejection.

Never heard anything. Saw on facebook (creepy, I know) his new photo with his achingly pretty new chick and her default photo matching his. Solved.

Over one month passed.

And last night... A TEXT....

HIM: (just my name)

ME (knowing who it is. but lying after the 10 minute pause): Tis I... and you?

HIM: I'm (his name). Hi! How are you? I'm in echo park.

ME (lashing out - fed up with the nonchalance of pretty much dumping me on a post-it): lol Are you fucking kidding me? You fell off the face of the planet. With no explanation. What do you want from me? Not interested.

HIM: Did I? I think I sprained my ankle when I fell.

ME(now unimpressed AND grossed out): Don't you have a girlfriend or 3 wives or some shit? It's all I could think of to explain what happened. Whatever. I don't care. Why are you texting me?

HIM: Four wives. Two girlfriends and one child. Don't know why. Just wanted to say hi! Sorry.

ME: You are strange... Strange Brew.

HIM: But it tastes good

ME: If these eloquent texts are all you have to offer, I must say goodbye. To be honest, I don't care for guys like you. Fare thee well.

HIM: I'm a good chef too. Ciao ciao

I went to bed empowered. Happy that I finally got my words out - no matter how deaf the audience... I guess that's the difference between guys and dolls. But at least I feel I got the final bow. Curtain call on that guy... And I never even got any, ugh...

I win?

Pride pride pride... At least I have you to keep me warm at night....

Monday, July 5, 2010

I mean really...

This is just ridiculous... this whole "dating" or "finding the one" thing. This ever-looming pressure that has grown over the last 2 years from being a hopeful goal for the future to a blatant "what the fuck is wrong with me" feeling. No gray. Just black.

I mean, don't get me wrong... I'm not an irrationally bitter or jaded 20 something who has given up on dating... but I am more perplexed than ever and am beginning to think that with age, I become even more confused about the complexities of guys and what they want.. well actually, what I want. Because as much as I don't want to admit it, guys are simple. I am not.

So much has happened in my (lack of) love life and (intricately loose) sex life in the past year alone that I've decided to keep this blog... almost out of necessity. I'd like to avoid the ridiculousness of my past by keeping tabs on these mistakes, heartbreaks and fantasies in hopes of clearing out the path I'm facing and closing the one behind me... no matter how blatantly apparent its scars may be.

I guess I should introduce myself. I'm 26 years old, born and raised all over L.A. - from Hollywood to Downtown, to Korea Town, to Northridge to Sherman Oaks, to Silverlake to Westwood - a short Jaunt to NY - and now in Hollywood. Yes, I'm actually from L.A. I'd like to give a shout out to all the star-gazing, fame-hungry transplants who have taken over so much of the city I love so dearly and thus contributed to the stereotype of L.A. shallow bastards. I'm attractive enough to get some attention from guys and smart enough to make them turn away after the first conversation. I've been told I have great style, I think i just dress weird. I drink like a fat sailor and sometimes curse like one too. I'm successful beyond my years and love music, art, traveling, laughing and loving...

I'd like to share my very honest stories with other girls like me... and those who aren't...

let's laugh, cry and cringe together, because let's face it... Dating in L.A. is quite the feat. And at this point, I feel like a fucking warrior, never prepared for the battle, but always ready for war.