Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Who needs Post-Its when you have facebook?

Ok... so I have thing for musicians. Who doesn't? Some promise of sensitivity, talent, understanding of emotion - blah blah blah.

Most of the time they're losers. But THIS guy... he actually was pseudo-successful. Tour manager, plays with great artists, 2 yrs older, born and raised in LA like me... I met him at Coachella. Drunk. We bonded over superficially-deep music talk and colorful cigarettes (neither of us smoke)... early signs of poser-dom. I blame it on the boogie.

So the whole festival he tries inviting me backstage, uber exclusive after parties, and the oh-so-popular "my place." All to which I say no... I'd rather spend time sneaking in booze with my friends and meeting the freaks amongst the masses and actually listening to the music from where I can hear it. I guess he found this rejection to his usual tactics a turn on... he continued his pursuit of me - we went on a few dates when we got back to town- a bar, dinner, movie at his place etc. We really hit it off... and thus, I showed all the typical signs of a smitten single: Gleamed in awe at the intellectual superiority of the most idiotic stories I've ever heard told, forgave every instance proving any lack of chivalry, read and replied to every meaningless text with careful precision that would prove my interest while hiding my actually superior whit and intelligence.... you know, the usual shit.

I was actually scared at how fast it was moving - and all without sex! He said all the right things: "I really see this going somewhere.... you're the most amazing person I've ever met... I'm totally falling for you" and I was the dude! I played it cool! I didn't respnd with his sappy shit... he always called, he proposed the nights out, he said we should wait with sex (WTF).

He traveled to record for a week, I traveled to shoot for a week - we spoke the whole time - cute texts, pics and fb mushy shit from him... and two days before he got home - it vanished. EVERYTHING STOPPED. No calls, texts, nothing. Made plans for dinner, he never called. Bar the next night? Again disappeared two hours before. I've never been so slighted! or fooled! Was I one of many to this guy? I thought I'm not like those girls - somehow smarter... or with a keen eye for the douchery L.A. has so successfully engrained in most of it's men.

I thought over the options: A. a recent ex reemerged B. He met someone more awesome. C. My lack of reciprocated verbal affections saddened him to rejection.

Never heard anything. Saw on facebook (creepy, I know) his new photo with his achingly pretty new chick and her default photo matching his. Solved.

Over one month passed.

And last night... A TEXT....

HIM: (just my name)

ME (knowing who it is. but lying after the 10 minute pause): Tis I... and you?

HIM: I'm (his name). Hi! How are you? I'm in echo park.

ME (lashing out - fed up with the nonchalance of pretty much dumping me on a post-it): lol Are you fucking kidding me? You fell off the face of the planet. With no explanation. What do you want from me? Not interested.

HIM: Did I? I think I sprained my ankle when I fell.

ME(now unimpressed AND grossed out): Don't you have a girlfriend or 3 wives or some shit? It's all I could think of to explain what happened. Whatever. I don't care. Why are you texting me?

HIM: Four wives. Two girlfriends and one child. Don't know why. Just wanted to say hi! Sorry.

ME: You are strange... Strange Brew.

HIM: But it tastes good

ME: If these eloquent texts are all you have to offer, I must say goodbye. To be honest, I don't care for guys like you. Fare thee well.

HIM: I'm a good chef too. Ciao ciao

I went to bed empowered. Happy that I finally got my words out - no matter how deaf the audience... I guess that's the difference between guys and dolls. But at least I feel I got the final bow. Curtain call on that guy... And I never even got any, ugh...

I win?

Pride pride pride... At least I have you to keep me warm at night....


  1. you were a rebound, good standing up Lady. He is interested in someone... she rejects him, he needs an ego boost, classic charmer trying to get the response he wants from you but empty words. He wants attention not sex, but when you need it...fucking magician...poof...does this sound inline? There has got to be some DSM diagnosis for this and half the population in LA would fit the bill, not only guys (sigh)

  2. Totally! Shocked at how clear it is once it's too late. I wonder if he'll try again. I'm sure he will.. maybe I should act interested, then he'll go away :)

